SCHOOL NEWS: Walking for Farm Africa

SCHOOL NEWS: Walking for Farm Africa

NINTY young children at Neroche Primary School near Ilminster took part in a sponsored one-mile welly walk in aid of Farm Africa.SCHOOL NEWS: Walking for Farm Africa

Infant children aged from four to six took part in the sponsored event for the Farm Africa charity which uses the funds raised to support farmers in Africa.

The charity helps to develop farms into being more productive for their communities and additionally helps the children of families from these farms to attend school.

The children have been inspired by stories about the charity including a young boy called Kiilu.

The charity helped modernise Kiilu’s family farm so he was able to go to school instead of working everyday on the farm just to survive.

PHOTO - RIGHT: Children at Neroche Primary School.

PHOTO - RIGHT: Kiilu has been so grateful for the support.

Neroche headteacher Connel Boyle said: “Kiilu’s story really captured the school’s, children’s and families imaginations.”

Schools and Colleges.