SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS: It's been a privilege says outgoing Carnival chairman

SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS: It's been a privilege says outgoing Carnival chairman

THE outgoing chairman of South Petherton Carnival said it had been a “privilege” to have held the role for the past eight years.

Dave Williams last night (Tuesday, October 7, 2014) stepped down as chairman at the Carnival group’s annual meeting and although there was nobody ready and in place to take over, he said that he had someone lined-up to fill the vacancy very soon.

But Mr Williams said he would not be turning his back entirely on the Carnival he has put so much effort into in recent years.SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS: It's been a privilege says outgoing Carnival chairman

“I’m not divorcing myself from Carnival,” he said. “I’m happy to help out with the committee and mentor the new chairman for a while.”

PHOTO - TOP: Outgoing Carnival chairman Dave Williams with (from left) his team members Lindsay Mackenzie, Claire Davis and Rachel Benyon.

PHOTO - RIGHT: Dave Williams on Carnival night last night with Batwoman aka Lindsay Mackenzie, who has moved from committee secretary to committee treasurer.

He said that he was meeting with someone in the near future who had expressed an interest in the chairman’s position.

Mr Williams added: “I’d like to thank everyone for supporting me over the years. It’s been a privilege and I am sure people will support the new chairman.”

A new vice-chairman is also needed by the committee after it was announced that Claire Davis was stepping down from the role.

Mr Williams thanked her for all her efforts and it was confirmed that committee secretary Lindsay Mackenzie would be taking on the treasurer’s job in place of Rachel Benyon.

“Rachel is standing down after many years of sterling service to the committee,” said Mr Williams.

“The treasurer’s job involves a lot of work and responsibility. She has handled that burden fantastically.”

Val Schofield was last night elected as the committee’s new secretary, while Duncan Webb was re-elected as director and Nicki Grenville as secretary of South Petherton Carnival Ltd.

It was announced that next year’s South Petherton Carnival will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2015.
