Early start to dance in the dawn at Ham Hill

Early start to dance in the dawn at Ham Hill

TREACLE Eater Clog will be starting their 30th year of dancing on Wednesday, May 1, at 5.30am by ‘dancing in the dawn’ at the Ham Hill CountryP ark at Stoke-sub-Hamdon.

The dancers will then enjoy a well-earned breakfast at a local pub and be joined by their friends from Wyvern Jubilee Morris.

Throughout its history, May Day has traditionally been a joyous celebration of spring, femininity, fertility, and the coming summer, and it marks the start of Treacle Eater Clog’s dancing season.

Over the summer you will find them at various venues around Somerset and Dorset performing dances in the North West Morris tradition.

If you would like more information about Treacle Eater please contact Rosemary on 01935-891415 or Janet on 01935-823977 or visit the website www.treacleeaterclog.org.uk .
