CARNIVAL: Future of Chard Carnival is in jeopardy

CARNIVAL: Future of Chard Carnival is in jeopardy

THE future of Chard Carnival has been plunged into doubt with news that nine members of the organising committee are to step down.

It means that just a handful of people will remain on the committee – not enough to cope with the huge workload needed to put on the Carnival each year.

Included in those stepping down from the committee are chairman Andy Chant and long-time Carnival supporter Doreen Toms.CARNIVAL: Future of Chard Carnival is in jeopardy

Andy said there were various reasons why they were resigning from the committee, but added there had been no “falling out” with anyone.

PHOTO - TOP: Members of the Kelly Leigh School of Dance ahead of last Saturday's (October 10, 2015) Chard Carnival.

PHOTO - RIGHT: Members of the Chard-based Eclipse CC and  its entry Madagascar Europe's Most Wanted.

He has now urged others to come forward and fill the vacated positions to ensure that Carnival goes on for years to come and not only bring delight to thousands of people watching, but also raise thousands of pounds for local groups and good causes.

The dust has barely settled since last weekend's Chard Carnival which coined in £3,510 from donations made by the watching public.

A Carnival de-briefing meeting last night (Thursday, October 15, 2015) was upbeat with people congratulating each other on a job well done.

But it was tinged with sadness when it became clear that nine committee members would be resigning at the next annual meeting of the Carnival.

Chairman Andy Chant said: “I would like to congratulate these people for all their hard work over a long period of time - particularly vice-chairman Doreen Toms who has been on the committee for well over 40 years.

“Whilst in some quarters this might look like the end of Chard Carnival, I have every confidence in the people of Chard to step forward and continue the fantastic work the committee has done and that Carnival will continue successfully in the future.”
