YEOVIL NEWS: Businesswoman urges college to think again over cuts

YEOVIL NEWS: Waterloo Music director urges college think again over cuts

YEOVIL businesswoman Dawn Woodward has urged Yeovil College chiefs to think again about scrapping music and performing arts courses for students.

It has been announced by Yeovil College officials that there are plans to cut the performing arts and music department due to budget cuts – which could mean the end of some of the college’s most popular and successful courses from down the years.

The college has said that the “level of interest and actual enrolments in these course areas has slowly decreased over the last few years” and they may not be viable to run in September 2015 which could be the end for the college’s Holcote House.

But a Facebook page entitled Save The Arts Yeovil College has already gained nearly 2,500 “likes” while a petition has had the backing of 1,135 signatures.

Now Dawn Woodward from The Emporium and the recently-opened Waterloo Music store in Yeovil has said that Holcote House is “too special to scrap.”

“As someone involved in the music industry in this town through running the Know Strings guitar shop in The Emporium and now as a director at Waterloo Music, I’ve been urged to comment on the proposed closure of the music department at Yeovil College,” she said.YEOVIL NEWS: Waterloo Music director urges college think again over cuts

PHOTO – TOP: Dawn Woodward of The Emporium and Waterloo Music at a market in the town centre earlier this year.

“Having been involved with the staff and students of the music course at the college over the last few years, I had to add my thoughts to the growing list of contributions to this subject. Can the end of this era really be approaching?

“Holcote House, the music department at the college, has been an incredible place, a legend, a place for kids to dream and grown and to learn from tutors, wise and gritty, no frills, just great honest music.

“It has been all about the music as seen and celebrated in the past gig posters, proudly plastered over the walls throughout the building, each poster representing so much planning, practice and pride from all involved over the years.

“And now it is to close!”

Dawn added: “Why take something so loved, so real and alive and end it? The arts are always an easy target and here we go again.

“Business decisions are often tough and sometimes there simply isn’t enough funding to go around, but there is always another way to solve a problem.

“To the business leaders making this decision, I urge you to think again, this is too important to get wrong!

“Once courses close, they tend not to return. Dig deep and find another way to solve your issues. What happens at Holcote House is too special to scrap!

“There’s got to be a better solution than this current suggestion and I hope you’ll find the courage to explore this.YEOVIL NEWS: Waterloo Music director urges college think again over cuts

“Yeovil is a town that cares about music, it’s always had a vital music scene and always had less than it deserves in terms of facilities.

“The passion is still here and we need this course to live on.”

If you would like to sign the petition – click here: .

PHOTO – RIGHT: Store manager Ryan Leese outside Waterloo Music in Hendford.

The college has said that it has enjoyed “many years of success” in performing arts and music and “very proud of the achievements of all our talented students.”

“Many of those who have completed qualifications have gone on to gain local, national and international acclaim in the industry,” said a college statement.

“We are happy to discuss any ideas or concerns that parents or students may have during this consultation period and should applications and enrolments for these courses significantly rise in the meantime, then we may be able to review the proposed closure.”

If anyone wants to contact the college about the proposals – please email .
