SOMERSET NEWS: Fire safety advice for care homes

SOMERSET NEWS: Fire safety advice for care homes

FIREFIGHTERS will be working with managers and owners of care premises across Somerset to deliver five free safety education events.

Officers from the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service will be working alongside Care Focus to provide the training sessions at Yeovil, Taunton, Williton, Chard and Somerton.SOMERSET NEWS: Fire safety advice for care homes

The aims of Care Focus have always been to promote excellence in care and to raise standards. This is by sharing best practice, offering advice and guidance around legislation, regulation, recruitment, workforce planning and development, facilitating learning opportunities, disseminating information and distributing funding. As well as raising the profile of the South West’s remarkable social care workforce.

Attendees will be taken through elements of effective fire safety management which in turn will assist them to:

Reduce the risk of a fire starting.

Establish an appropriate emergency procedure.

Ensure the evacuation strategy is effective.

Have trained staff able to respond to emergencies.

The events are aiming to give managers and owners of care premises a greater understanding of fire safety management, which in turn will lead to safer premises for residents, staff and visitors; greater business resilience and achieve compliance with fire safety law.

The events and locations are as follows: Friday, September 12: Taunton Fire Station; Tuesday, September 16: Yeovil Fire Station; Thursday, September 18: Williton Fire Station; Monday, September 22; Chard Fire Station; Thursday, September 25: Edgar Hall, Somerton.

All of the events will take place from 10am to 2pm.

For booking please contact or phone 01823-461876.
