SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS: Volunteers needed to help with giant water slide

SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS: Volunteers needed to help with giant water slide

DO you fancy giving a few hours of your time to help out with Chard’s first urban water slide next month?

The organisers of this one-off event are looking for volunteers to take part on the day with a wide variety of jobs.

The event was the idea of Chard Mayor, Cllr Jenny Kenton, to try and raise funds for her charities whilst providing a really fun chance of sliding down a 300ft water slide.

It will be taking place on Sunday, September 7, 2014, in High Street between 10am and 4pm.

The Mayor was inspired after seeing a similar event take place in Bristol earlier this year.

But now with September 7 nearing fast – the Mayor is keen to get as many volunteer helpers on board as possible.

Cllr Kenton said: “You don’t need to be available for the whole time, if you’ve just got a few hours to spare or even just one hour then your help would be greatly appreciated.

“Planning for this event has not been without its challenges and now the day is nearly upon us but we do need your help.”

There are a number of different jobs ranging from slide marshals, launchers and catchers, lollipop people and not forgetting, of course, slip and slide quality control. There will be free soft drinks, tea, coffee and light snacks available on the day for all those volunteers taking part.

A full briefing will take place beforehand to ensure that everyone involved knows exactly what is expected of them on the day.

If you are interested in offering a few hours of your time and want more information or to register as a volunteer please either call into the Guildhall or phone 01460-239567.

PHOTO – TOP: The urban slide event in Bristol back in May.
