Have a fun and safe New Year's Eve

Have a fun and safe New Year's Eve

POLICE have issued some safety tips to ensure that the New Year’s Eve celebrations tonight (Tuesday, December 31, 2013) are not ruined for people.

New Year's Eve is a fun celebration where lots of you go out with friends and family to enjoy the festivities.

And a police spokesman said: “By following some safety tips you can help make your night out memorable for the right reasons.”

• If you are going out this evening take public transport or a taxi if you can. If that isn't possible why not ask a friend to act as a designated driver?

• When withdrawing money from a cash point make sure you cover your PIN code and make sure nobody is standing to close when entering your PIN. Be quick - don't hang around the cashpoint when you have completed your transaction.

• Try not to use a cashpoint in a deserted street or badly lit road or late at night if possible.

• Never count your money in the street. Put it away as soon as possible.Have a fun and safe New Year's Eve

• Don't write your PIN down, even if it is disguised in code.

• If you decide to walk home make sure you stick to well-lit streets and avoid dark unlit alleyways. Avoid walking home alone if possible.

• If you are considering taking a taxi back to your house it is a good idea to pre-book with a registered company or arrange a lift with a friend or family member. Always use licensed taxis. Never use an unlicensed minicab.

• Make sure you stay with your friends and someone knows where you are at all times.

• Carry a fully charged mobile phone with you so you can make a phone call if necessary.

• Steer clear of trouble. If you see any trouble or suspect that it might be about to start, keep clear. The best thing you can do is to avoid it and alert the police.

• Be wary of casual requests from strangers, like someone asking for a cigarette or change.

• Always keep your bags and belongings in view. Don't have valuables on display. For example, avoid carrying your mobile phone or wallet in a back trouser pocket.

• If you do go to a pub or club don't leave your drink unattended and don't accept drinks from strangers.

• If you do decide to drink this evening please give yourself enough time to sober up tomorrow before driving. Even a small amount of alcohol can affect your ability to drive safely.

If you need to report a crime please call 999 if it is an emergency otherwise we can be contacted on the force telephone number 101.
