Switch exit and entrance points at crematorium

Switch exit and entrance points at crematorium

A COUNCILLOR has suggested that the entrance and exit points at the Yeovil Crematorium should be switched around in a bid to ease traffic congestion.

Cllr Sarah Lindsay, of Brympton Parish Council, suggested that there were often hold-ups in Bunford   Lane with people trying to turn right into the crematorium which also heightened problems on the adjoining Asda roundabout in Preston Road.

“If we moved the exit to the entrance and the entrance to the exit it would resolve the current problems of turning right into the crematorium,” she said.Switch exit and entrance points at crematorium

Councillors said that the suggestion to move the entrance in Bunford Lane to where the exit is currently located in Old Preston Road and vice versa had been discussed before, but had never gone any further.

PHOTOS: It has been suggested that the existing exit at Yeovil Crematorium in Old Preston Road (pictured above and right) should be made the entrance.

Cllr Lindsay said she was looking at all options of trying to improve traffic flow in that area.

Although some drivers heading towards the Asda roundabout do allow cars to turn into the crematorium if they are waiting, some do not and that can lead to tailbacks.

Removing the right-hand turn problem into the crematorium would allow traffic to flow freely from the Asda roundabout to the Palmers roundabout.

Councillors agreed at their meeting on Wednesday (October 23, 2013) night that Cllr Mary Evered would raise the matter at a future meeting of the Yeovil Crematorium and Cemetery Committee.

Cllr Evered represents Brympton Parish Council on the committee.
