YouTube video for Stanchester

STANCHESTER Academy at Stoke-sub-Hamdon has posted a YouTube video of its recent Open Day presentation.

The presentation video includes details from the new principal, Jason Beardmore, about Stanchester’s values; information about the transition to Stanchester life from current students; and views about the youngsters' experiences at Stanchester.YouTube video for Stanchester

The academy has a specific Open Day once a year and this year’s event was a big success and many people enjoyed the presentation.

Due to the success of the presentation, Stanchester have made a video version for anyone who was unable to visit on the day. The video can be found on the right hand side of the Academy’s website at - just click on this photo here which will take you through to Stanchester's site.

Principal Mr Beardmore said: "Stanchester Academy is proud of being an open school, we always welcome prospective students and parents to arrange a visit to find out more about our Academy.

"This video further supports our open policy, allowing those that may not be able to visit during school hours to access information from our Open Day.”
