Make YOUR vote count!

VOTER registration forms will be dropping through letterboxes across South Somerset soon and people are being urged to return them or confirm their details by phone or on-line to ensure that they are registered to be able to voice their opinion in future elections.

South Somerset District Council's electoral services manager, Roger Quantock, and his team will be sending forms to households in the District to compile the electoral register. If you do not receive your form you can contact your Electoral Services Officer on 01935-462462.Make YOUR vote count!

The council's returning officer, Ian Clarke, said: "Registering to vote is very simple. All you have to do is update the annual canvass form with the details of everyone in your household who is eligible to vote and return it to us as soon as possible.

“However if the details on the form are correct then, instead of returning the form,  please help us to reduce our postage costs by simply confirming your registration on-line or by phone.

"Registering in this way is 38 pence cheaper than posting the form back to us and there is the potential across the district to save up to £9,000.”

On your electoral registration form you can opt to have your details excluded from the edited register. This will mean your details cannot be bought by individuals and commercial organisations.

The canvass is due to start on October 1 and the register will be published in February 2014.

For more information contact Electoral Services on 01935 462462 or visit
