Have your say on the Westfield estate

Have your say on the Westfield estate

PEOPLE living on the Westfield estate in Yeovil have still got time to have their say on how they would like to see their community develop in the future.

South Somerset District Council, in conjunction with Westfield Community Association, South Somerset Together and Yarlington Housing Grouop, are conducting a neighbourhood-wide consultation.

The survey running from May to September 2013 aims to ensure that local people living on the Westfield estate have an opportunity to express their concerns about the area and to think about what improvements are needed locally.Have your say on the Westfield estate

Cllr Tim Carroll, who represents Westfield on South Somerset District Council, said: "I would encourage all residents of Westfield to get involved in this latest round of consultation as it builds on the original "Planning for Real" exercise we carried out some time ago but the all the agencies involved do need to know what residents needs, wants and priorities are now.

"The results will help identify the key priorities within the Westfield Community Area and will culminate in an updated multi-agency action plan to help improve and develop the neighbourhood."

Cllr Ian Martin, also a council ward member for the Westfield area, added: “All the partner agencies are working closely together to make Westfield a better place in which to live, work and play.

"New housing has been introduced on to the estate, Westfield Academy is forging closer links with the community, retail outlets have been retained in Coronation Road and we are continuing to liaise closely with the Co-op and Post Office Counters to re-introduce a Post Office back into the area.

"In addition, resurfacing of many of the roads is imminent together with further measures to discourage speeding. Lots of issues to focus and express views on and I urge all residents to come forward and make their views known.”

You can take part in the survey online by visiting: http://www.wcaonline.org.uk/  or by contacting James Divall on 01935-462703 or james.divall@southsomerset.gov.uk. Questionnaires and a post box are also available at the Kings Place Shop on Coronation Avenue.

Have your say on the Westfield estate
