Asda backs Young Promoters event at Club Neo

A NEW Young Promoters initiative involving Year 9-11 students from  Bucklers Mead, Westfield and Preston Academies have organised the next Zero Project Under-18’s event at Club Neo in Yeovil.Asda backs Young Promoters event at Club Neo

The event on Wednesday, July 24, from 7pm to 11pm will be themed around the USA including a Bucking Bronco and donuts.

Asda in Yeovil have kindly donated 400 donuts to the Young Promoters for this event. The event is for Year Nine students to 17-year-olds and entry is £5 payable on the door.

The Zero Project, supported by the Police, District and County Councils, Somerset Drug and Alcohol Partnership, REACH local schools, youth organisations and parents has been successfully running Under-18 events during school holidays for the past six years with the aim to reduce anti-social and binge drinking by providing a safe, alcohol free environment where young people can enjoy a good night of music, activities and dance.

Young promoter Krystal Gunney, pictured, said: “I am really looking forward to this event, the first the young promoters have helped shape and hopefully a great start to the summer holidays.”

A further Zombie Party is being planned for Wednesday, October 30, at Club Neo in Stars Lane.
