Leweston cakes back Mosaic charity

Leweston cakes back Mosaic charity

PUPILS and staff at Leweston Prep School in Sherborne are delighted to have raised over £150 for the Dorset-based charity, Mosaic, with a cake sale held at Leweston just before the half term break.

The children and parents baked a prolific amount of cakes which were snapped up as quickly as they were laid out to raise this impressive sum for the charity.

Pupils and staff presented a cheque for the amount they had raised to the charity’s patron and Leweston parent, Henry Digby, at their assembly earlier this week.

Mosaic is a Dorset based charity offering support to bereaved children, young people.  Find out more at http://www.mosaicfamilysupport.org.uk/  .

Leweston cakes back Mosaic charity

