Combating killers at Stanchester Sport Centre

COMBATING some of the UK’s biggest killers will be part of a new healthy exercise programme which is being launched at Stanchester Sport Centre at Stoke-sub-Hamdon. Combating killers at Stanchester Sport Centre

Stanchester Sport Centre - run by the 1610 leisure trust - now has official accreditation for a GP referral scheme for patients who suffer from a range of health conditions such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, angina, epilepsy, asthma, anxiety and depression can be referred to a specialist exercise programme.

The scheme which will begin in January will offer bi-weekly supervised gym sessions for patients who have been referred to the centre by their G.P.s and who need to lose or monitor their weight as part of their recovery.

Coronary heart disease is one of the UK’s biggest killers as one in 5 men and one in seven women die from the disease, accounting for 94,000 deaths in the UK each year. It is estimated that in the UK £2.6 million people live with the condition and angina which is the most common symptom of CHD affects 2 million people in the UK.

Stanchester Sport Centre team leader, Peter Head, who is managing the scheme, says that it to offer support to local people with a wide range of health conditions.

"When patients have suffered from a heart condition or are struggling with a range of health issues such as diabetes or angina, they often lack the confidence to start exercising properly to manage their condition," he said.

"Under the GP referral scheme they can be referred to the centre for an assessment and then given an exercise programme by specially trained staff which will be designed to suit their specific health needs. The centre will be running two supervised gym sessions a week from January where patients can feel confident and secure that they can exercise safely in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.”

The GP referral scheme will start from January 7  and the supervised gym sessions will run every week on Tuesdays at 2pm to 3pm and Fridays at 10.30am to 12noon.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the scheme should contact Stanchester Sport Centre on 01935-825261.
