Avoid a nightmare Christmas

PEOPLE in the Yeovil and South Somerset area are being urged by police to watch a  chilling 'blockbuster style movie trailer' to hear how they can avoid having a hair-raising Christmas.  Avoid a nightmare Christmas

The video tells people to have fun at their Christmas parties this year but also warns them that drinking too much this festive season could ruin your Christmas.

The two-minute short film stars an A&E Doctor, a 999 response police officer, a custody sergeant and a licensee.

They talk about the kinds of situations they see people getting into over the Christmas period and remind us what the consequences can be.

Inspector Keith Rundle said: "We don't want to spoil anyone's fun at Christmas. We're releasing this video today to ask people to drink responsibly this Christmas and think whether they really need that extra pint or not.

"At this time of the year, unfortunately, we often see usually law-abiding people getting carried away. We want people to remember that getting too drunk and out of control can have a huge impact on your future, such as a criminal record or a nasty injury to yourself or someone else.

"Also we want people to think about where they want to spend their Christmas day. I'm sure most people would prefer to be round the dinner table having fun with friends and family rather than in a police cell or a hospital bed."

Listen to advice from the people who work hard to keep you safe during Christmas to find out how not to become a statistic this Christmas.

Click here: http://youtu.be/pJtu-8Hk4u8.
