YEOVIL NEWS: MP and council leader pay tribute to Tony Fife

YEOVIL NEWS: MP and council leader pay tribute to Tony Fife

TRIBUTES have continued to pour in for former Yeovil Mayor, Tony Fife, who died earlier this week.

Yeovil MP Marcus Fysh put politics to one side to pay tribute to a man who he had had differences of opinion with in the past.

Conservative Mr Fysh may have been at loggerheads in recent years on certain issues with Mr Fife, a Liberal Democrat councillor at Yeovil Town Council and South Somerset District Council, but the recently-elected MP said news of his death was very sad.

“Tony Fife was a huge character who contributed to local life and the town and district councils over a large number of years,” said Mr Fysh.

“We may not have agreed over everything but no one could doubt his commitment and love of politics and his passion for the area. He will be greatly missed.”YEOVIL NEWS: MP and council leader pay tribute to Tony Fife

Mr Fife passed away on Tuesday (June 23, 2015) after a bravely fought illness at the age of 76.

Over 32 years of public service to Yeovil District Council and thereafter South Somerset District Council, Mr Fife gave unstinting dedication of his time and personal commitment to improving quality of life for the people of Yeovil and the district as a whole.

His representation on planning committees throughout these years demonstrated his interest in making Yeovil a pleasant place to live.

PHOTOS - TOP AND RIGHT: Former Yeovil Mayor, Tony Fife, who died on Tuesday at the age of 76.

He also had a big interest in economic development to assist local businesses and the local economy and his advocacy on the important issues of community safety so vital to local people.

Mr Fife served for three years as Deputy Leader of the district council – a significant time commitment - and was chairman of the Area South Committee for 13 years, a position he was elected to by his fellow committee members.

District council leader, Cllr Ric Pallister, said: “For more than three decades Tony was “Mr Yeovil” and the town and area have lost a champion of champions in his passing.

“He never missed an opportunity to promote the town and its people and his strong personality and total commitment benefitted the whole community.

“He was a loyal friend and I will miss the man, a great character and everything he stood for.

“I am the richer for having known him and the poorer for having lost him, but his memory will remain.”
