Keep fit with Yeovil's trim trail

Keep fit with Yeovil's trim trail

KEEP fit enthusiasts will be able to enjoy a “trim trail” and a marked running route around a park in Yeovil – thanks to funding from South Somerset District Council and Somerset County Council.

Trim trails can be a great way to liven up your outdoor training, keep fit and enjoy the outdoors.

The proposed trim trail at Birchfield Park in Yeovil will work on the aim of using bodyweight to get yourself over, under and through a series of static obstacles.

Rather than picking up a weight in a mainstream gym, your bodyweight supplies the resistance that will tone and strengthen your entire body.

The trim trail will be located next to a new 3-2-1 running route and together they will provide an exciting new destination for outdoor fitness.Keep fit with Yeovil's trim trail

PHOTO – TOP: Pictured (from left: are principal engineer Ian Case, neighbourhood development officer Natalie Ross, Cllr Tony Lock, healthy lifestyles officer Charlie Coward, senior play and youth facilities officer Rob Parr and streetscene manager Chris Cooper.

The project is the result of partnership working between Somerset County Council’s Cllr Tony Lock and various district council departments including area development, engineering, play and healthy lifestyles and streetscene.

Cllr Lock, who has given the project £4,500 from his Health and Wellbeing grant fund, said: “I’m pleased that the contribution from my grant fund has led to match funding being available from the district council.

“The project is an extension of the improvements that have been made to the park including new lighting and wider pathways.

“This project will encourage even greater use of the park and increase opportunities for residents to access fitness equipment, as it will be free and accessible to all.”

The 3-2-1 route will be linked to a further 3-2-1 route adjacent to Birchfield Park at Yeovil Country Park.

This will give residents the opportunity to access both routes together, creating a 6km route.

Birchfield Community School is also very supportive of the project as it will provide their cross country club with a new running route and provide opportunities for various physical education lessons.
