Piers Simon Appeal backs Philippines appeal

PIers Simon Appeal backs Philippines appeal

THE Piers Simon Appeal, based near Yeovil, is appealing for funds to help people in the disaster stricken Philippine islands following the devastation caused by Typhoon  Haiyan.

According to  official figures, over 4,000 people have died as a result of the typhoon, one of  the most powerful storms ever recorded, with another 673,000 displaced and more  than 11-million people affected.

Originally set up as a disaster relief charity, the Piers Simon Appeal  has focused most of its work in recent years on the School in a Bag initiative,  which provides rucksacks full of stationery and resources to poor, orphan,  vulnerable and disaster affected children around the  world.PIers Simon Appeal backs Philippines appeal

As part of this activity, the Piers Simon Appeal has been working closely  with the Philippine Community Fund (PCF) since March on a project that will see  1,392 SchoolBags shipped to the Philippines at the beginning of December.  Although not a direct response to Typhoon Haiyan, the consignment is certainly timely as the charity’s first shipment to the Philippines.

PHOTO - TOP: The Philippines have been devastated by Typhoon Haiyan.

PHOTO - RIGHT: Nearly 1,400 SchoolBags will be going to the Philippines in December.

Some of the SchoolBags in the Philippines consignment were packed by  people who attended the Home Farm Fest in June this year. They will be  distributed by the PCF to children on the outskirts of Manilla, many of whom  lived on rubbish dumps before they were given the chance of a better life and an  education by the PCF team.

The Piers  Simon Appeal was set up in memory of Piers Simon, from Chilthorne Domer,  who died on the Thai island of Koh Phi Phi during the tsunami  on Boxing  Day 2004. Comparisons have  been made between the devastation that followed the tsunami in the Indian Ocean and the current situation in the  Philippines.

Piers’  brother Luke Simon, charity liaison officer for the Piers Simon Appeal and  School in a Bag, said: “The scale of utter devastation caused by Typhoon  Haiyan to the vulnerable communities that make up the Philippine archipelago has  close comparisons to that of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, when we lost Piers.

"We set up the charity in his name to initially help the people who helped us in  the five day search to find him.

“The towns and villages will take years to recover from this cruel super  storm and that is why we have launched the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal, in addition to  the SchoolBag consignment being sent to the Philippines in  December.”

People wishing to donate can do so online by visiting www.justgiving.com/pierssimon and typing  ‘Philippines’ in the comment box, or by calling the charity on 01935-849160.

PIers Simon Appeal backs Philippines appeal

PHOTO - ABOVE: Please support the Piers Simon Appeal.

