Forum for landlords at Ivel Barbarians

SOUTH Somerset District Council is hosting its seventh in a series of Landlords’ Forums run in partnership with the National Landlords Association. The first six forums have been very well attended.Forum for landlords at Ivel Barbarians

It is anticipated that this will be a very popular event, because of the topical nature of the speakers. The coalition government has encouraged Councils to work with the owners of empty properties to bring more homes back into use.

The agenda provides details of the programme which can be found on the website and there will be a number of speakers presenting a range of topics and an opportunity to network with other landlords. Representatives from the National Landlords Association, The Valuation Office, SSDC Environmental Health and the SSDC Homeless Team will be on hand to assist with any enquiries.

The meeting will be at 6pm on Thursday, April 25, at Ivel Barbarians Rugby Club on the outskirts of Yeovil in Dorchester Road.

To book in advance and reserve your place, go online to and click on the ‘book now’ icon. Alternatively email your acceptance to:
